

(Zn) ………….  6%

Amino acids …………. 10%

(Fe, Mn, B)

(The additives that have been added to the product from these micro-elements are a co-factor to raise the efficiency of zinc not to supply the plant with its needs of other elements)

Zincamin characteristic:

  • Zincamin Activates root growth and increases branching in the plant.
  • Zincamin plays an important role in the success of the process of pollination.
  • Zincamin is recommended for use in organic farming.


CropDosageApplication Rate
Field crops2-3 cm3/L of waterBefore flowering and while the grains or tubers are full
Fruit trees2-3 cm3/L of waterFrom the beginning of the activity season to the end of the season
Vegetables2-3 cm3/L of waterWhen there is adequate vegetative growth until the end of the season