Forti Feed 12-12-44

Forti Feed 12-12-44



Nitrogen (N) …………… 12%

Phosphorus (P2O5) …….. 12%

Potassium (K2O) ………. 44%


Forti Feed 12-12-36 characteristic:

  • Forti Feed 12-12-44 is manufactured from high quality raw materials with the latest technologies.
  • It is a specialized fertilizer designed to increase crop yield by improving fruit size and quality (color and sugar content).
  • Effective in forming amino acids and proteins within the plant.
  • Can be used for all crops and plants to enhance flowering and fruit set.
  • Helps plants withstand stress conditions such as heat, drought, and salinity.
  • Plays an active role in cell building, contributes to energy formation, and assists in most biological processes in plants.
  • Stimulates root growth, especially during the emergence phase.
  • completely soluble in water, so it can be used as a spray on the leaves or through direct injection into the soil.
  • contains diffusers and adhesives that increase the speed and efficiency of absorption.


 DosageApplication Rate
Open field 2-3 kg/1000m2 Through the irrigation systemAccording to the different growth stages
Greenhouse 1.5-2 kg/greenhouseTwice a week for different growth stages
Fruit Trees100-250 gm/tree twice a weekAccording to need, tree size and different growth stages
Spraying250-350 gm/100LEvery 7-10 days, according to plant needs and growth stages