More About El Sakya for Agricultural Industries

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El Sakya Brief

Since the establishment of El Sakya Company for Agricultural Industries in 2016, the ambition and goal of the founders was to present the company as one of the strongest and distinguished factories in the field of fertilizer industry, so we have intensified and directed all efforts in the fields of research and development supported by qualified and qualified staff, so that we can add fertilizers with distinctive ideas in the market. In addition, the focus has been on selecting high quality raw materials from the purest and best sources. The company has consistently adhered to local and international standards in the field of agricultural fertilizers.

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El Sakya Goals

To become one of the best global manufacturers of fertilizers, focusing on the most accurate manufacturing details and quality control of products, which raises the position of the factory in the global market and contributes in increasing economic growth and sustainable development.Adopting this vision and ambition put our products on a stable base from which it was able to gain recognition and fame in the local market and move steadily towards exporting products to global markets.

El Sakya Company for Agricultural Industries always seeks to satisfy the customers by meeting their necessary needs and helping farmers to succeed and achieve profits in a different and distinct position from the rest of the competing companies.

The company was able to reach special technologies for the production of various
fertilizers in different forms:
Fully soluble powder fertilizers, liquids, suspensions, specialized fertilizers,
macronutrient fertilizers and micronutrient fertilizers.

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El Sakya Distributors